Kaizen events with client teams

Kaizen events with client teams

We excel at running rapid improvement events (kaizen events) working with a client team to analyse current process performance, identify opportunities and to implement actions to deliver improvements. Because we work with a client team, the ideas, solutions and actions are owned by the team giving increased buy-in, sustainability and the team the ability to deliver further improvements.

Our events have a standard structure, but we adapt its implementation to suit you and the objective.

The events tend to be split into distinct phases with gaps between each stage to allow actions to be completed:

  • Pre-diagnostic – setting the scene, initial mapping and data collection actions
  • Diagnostic – data analysis, understanding performance, identifying and categorising performance losses, setting of specific problem solving objectives
  • Workshop – undertaking problem solving activities to target the specific objectives set during the Diagnostic phase, identifying next steps and prioritising actions
  • Follow-Up Days – the completion of the Plan Do Check Act cycle to ensure actions are implemented, improvements are delivered and gains are sustained

Each project is different, and based on the above stages we design and develop a programme to suit you and your challenge to deliver not only results, but an empowered and enthusiastic team.