Business Diagnostics and Analysis for Driving Operational Improvements

Using Data to Drive Decision Making - Investing Your Resources for the Best Return

Course Outline

  • Why measure? The role of measurement in driving business performance improvement, identifying opportunities, setting priorities and objectives, tracking progress, demonstrating gains
  • The Prime QCD measures. What are they, why they are important, how to calculate them, what they tell you
  • The importance of balanced measurements. Making sure benefits are real and avoiding robbing Peter to pay Paul
  • OEE Analysis. The 7 Major Losses and associated improvement strategies
  • Benchmarking data & additional metrics – how you are performing compared to others
  • Financial calculations. Avoiding wooden dollar savings.
  • Choosing the right improvement projects
  • Improvement Project deployment and tracking

Training Notes

A full set of hardcopy slides and handouts are provided

Why Business Diagnostics and Analysis?

Being able to measure current business performance is one of the first steps in improving business performance. Financial metrics can only reveal so much, and sometimes more technical and specific measures are required to understand what is occurring operationally within an organisation.

Leveraging nearly two decades of assessing businesses and delivering improvement projects in industry, this course introduces a number of key metrics used by Haden Freeman C.I. that reveal performance across all three quality, cost and delivery domains – the so called QCD measures.

Candidates will be shown how to collect relevant data and analyse it to both understand current performance and to identify areas of opportunity. Where relevant, financial benefit calculations will be introduced.

Some benchmarking data will be provided to allow delegates to assess where their organisations sit compared to industry averages and best in class.

For some metrics, notably OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), improvement strategies will be given and explained.

Throughout the course case studies taken from two decades of implementing business improvement projects will be used to illustrate the application of various diagnostic metrics.